About Us


Meet Our Team

Get a look at the year round staff who work hard everyday to get ready for the next summer. 

Gordie Hamilton leads a final campfire.

Gordie Hamilton leads a final campfire.

History of CYO

CYO Summer Camps have a deep and rich history that date back to 1950 when Gordie Hamilton and Archbishop Connelly set out to establish a summer camp for youth to attend that was rooted in our Catholic faith.  Much of the history has been passed on throughout the years and is shared with new camper every year.  Take a look at our history that you are now part of!

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Our mission

There are two things that happen when you come to camp:

1.  You instantly become a part of the "Circle of family, friendship and support".

2. We want to help you "live, learn and grow in the Catholic faith".

CYO Camps Mission: To live, learn, and grow in Catholic faith.

CYO Camps Vision: We challenge those who experience camp to live, learn, and grow in Catholic faith through time spent as part of our community and beyond.




Camp Don Bosco


1401 324th Ave NE
Carnation, WA 98014


Camp Hamilton + Nanamakee


25405 Lake Fontal Rd
Monroe, WA 98272